Logging Experiments

As there are many potentially interesting metrics involved in the analysis of DAC methods, DACBench includes the possibility to track and store them.

To log information on an environment, you need a logger object:

from dacbench.logger import Logger
from pathlib import Path

logger = Logger(experiment_name="example", output_path=Path("your/path"))

If you want to use any of our tracking wrappers, you can then create a logging module for them:

from dacbench.wrappers import PerformanceTrackingWrapper

performance_logger = logger.add_module(PerformanceTrackingWrapper)
env = PerformanceTrackingWrapper(env, logger=performance_logger)

Now the logger will store information in the specified directory in .jsonl files. By adding more wrappers, you will also be provided with more information. The stored data can then be loaded into pandas dataframes:

from dacbench.logger import load_logs, log2dataframe

logs = load_logs("your/path/PerformancyTrackingWrapper.jsonl")
df = log2dataframe(logs)
class dacbench.logger.AbstractLogger(experiment_name: str, output_path: Path, step_write_frequency: Optional[int] = None, episode_write_frequency: int = 1)

Logger interface.

The logger classes provide a way of writing structured logs as jsonl files and also help to track information like current episode, step, time …

In the jsonl log file each row corresponds to a step.

abstract close() None

Makes sure, that all remaining entries in the are written to file and the file is closed.

abstract log_dict(data)

Alternative to log if more the one value should be logged at once.


data (dict) – a dict with key-value so that each value is a valid value for log

abstract log_space(key: str, value: Union[ndarray, Dict], space_info=None)

Special for logging gym.spaces.

Currently three types are supported: * Numbers: e.g. samples from Discrete * Fixed length arrays like MultiDiscrete or Box * Dict: assuming each key has fixed length array

  • key – see log

  • value – see log

  • space_info – a list of column names. The length of this list must equal the resulting number of columns.

abstract next_episode() None

Call at the end of episode.

See next_step

abstract next_step() None

Call at the end of the step. Updates the internal state and dumps the information of the last step into a json

set_env(env: AbstractEnv) None

Needed to infer automatically logged information like the instance id :param env: :type env: AbstractEnv

abstract write() None

Writes buffered logs to file.

Invoke manually if you want to load logs during a run.

class dacbench.logger.Logger(experiment_name: str, output_path: Path, step_write_frequency: Optional[int] = None, episode_write_frequency: int = 1)

A logger that manages the creation of the module loggers.

To get a ModuleLogger for you module (e.g. wrapper) call module_logger = Logger(…).add_module(“my_wrapper”). From now on module_logger.log(…) or logger.log(…, module=”my_wrapper”) can be used to log.

The logger module takes care of updating information like episode and step in the subloggers. To indicate to the loggers the end of the episode or the next_step simple call logger.next_episode() or logger.next_step().

add_agent(agent: AbstractDACBenchAgent)

Writes information about the agent


agent (AbstractDACBenchAgent) –

add_benchmark(benchmark: AbstractBenchmark) None

Writes the config to the experiment path :param benchmark:

add_module(module: Union[str, type]) ModuleLogger

Creates a sub-logger. For more details see class level documentation :param module: The module name or Wrapper-Type to create a sub-logger for :type module: str or type


Return type



Makes sure, that all remaining entries (from all sublogger) are written to files and the files are closed.

log_dict(data, module)

Alternative to log if more the one value should be logged at once.


data (dict) – a dict with key-value so that each value is a valid value for log

log_space(key, value, module, space_info=None)

Special for logging gym.spaces.

Currently three types are supported: * Numbers: e.g. samples from Discrete * Fixed length arrays like MultiDiscrete or Box * Dict: assuming each key has fixed length array

  • key – see log

  • value – see log

  • space_info – a list of column names. The length of this list must equal the resulting number of columns.


Call at the end of episode.

See next_step


Call at the end of the step. Updates the internal state of all subloggers and dumps the information of the last step into a json

set_env(env: AbstractEnv) None

Needed to infer automatically logged information like the instance id :param env: :type env: AbstractEnv


Writes buffered logs to file.

Invoke manually if you want to load logs during a run.

class dacbench.logger.ModuleLogger(output_path: Path, experiment_name: str, module: str, step_write_frequency: Optional[int] = None, episode_write_frequency: int = 1)

A logger for handling logging of one module. e.g. a wrapper or toplevel general logging.

Don’t create manually use Logger to manage ModuleLoggers


Makes sure, that all remaining entries in the are written to file and the file is closed.

get_logfile() Path

the path to the log file of this logger

Return type


log_dict(data: Dict) None

Alternative to log if more the one value should be logged at once.


data (dict) – a dict with key-value so that each value is a valid value for log

log_space(key, value, space_info=None)

Special for logging gym.spaces.

Currently three types are supported: * Numbers: e.g. samples from Discrete * Fixed length arrays like MultiDiscrete or Box * Dict: assuming each key has fixed length array

  • key – see log

  • value – see log

  • space_info – a list of column names. The length of this list must equal the resulting number of columns.


Writes buffered logs to file.

Invoke manually if you want to load logs during a run.


Call at the end of the step. Updates the internal state and dumps the information of the last step into a json

reset_episode() None

Resets the episode and step.

Be aware that this can lead to ambitious keys if no instance or seed or other identifying additional info is set


Can be used to log additional information for each step e.g. for seed, and instance id. :param kwargs:


Writes buffered logs to file.

Invoke manually if you want to load logs during a run.

dacbench.logger.flatten_log_entry(log_entry: Dict) List[Dict]

Transforms a log entry of format like


‘step’: 0, ‘episode’: 2, ‘some_value’: {

‘values’ : [34, 45], ‘times’:[‘28-12-20 16:20:53’, ‘28-12-20 16:21:30’],


} into [

{ ‘step’: 0,’episode’: 2, ‘value’: 34, ‘time’: ‘28-12-20 16:20:53’}, { ‘step’: 0,’episode’: 2, ‘value’: 45, ‘time’: ‘28-12-20 16:21:30’}



log_entry (Dict) – A log entry

dacbench.logger.list_to_tuple(list_: List) Tuple

Recursively transforms a list of lists into tuples of tuples :param list_: (nested) list


Return type

(nested) tuple

dacbench.logger.load_logs(log_file: Path) List[Dict]

Loads the logs from a jsonl written by any logger.

The result is the list of dicts in the format: {

‘instance’: 0, ‘episode’: 0, ‘step’: 1, ‘example_log_val’: {

‘values’: [val1, val2, … valn], ‘times: [time1, time2, …, timen],

} :param log_file: The path to the log file :type log_file: pathlib.Path


Return type

[Dict, …]

dacbench.logger.log2dataframe(logs: List[dict], wide: bool = False, drop_columns: List[str] = ['time']) DataFrame

Converts a list of log entries to a pandas dataframe.

Usually used in combination with load_dataframe.

  • logs (List) – List of log entries

  • wide (bool) – wide=False (default) produces a dataframe with columns (episode, step, time, name, value) wide=True returns a dataframe (episode, step, time, name_1, name_2, …) if the variable name_n has not been logged at (episode, step, time) name_n is NaN.

  • drop_columns (List[str]) – List of column names to be dropped (before reshaping the long dataframe) mostly used in combination with wide=True to reduce NaN values


Return type


dacbench.logger.split(predicate: Callable, iterable: Iterable) Tuple[List, List]

Splits the iterable into two list depending on the result of predicate.

  • predicate (Callable) – A function taking an element of the iterable and return Ture or False

  • iterable (Iterable) –


Return type

(positives, negatives)